High-quality dental scans or impressions are critical for the OrthoAlight process. The objective of this document is to list out the quality standards intra- or extra-oral scans have to comply with when submitted to OrthoAlight.
- STL format only
- Both arches should be captured, even when only a single arch treatment is requested.
- Both arches must be scanned and positioned in occlusion.
- Each arch saved as a separate STL file.
- A single arch file must contain between 100, 000 and up to 300 000 triangles.
- Typically, the single arch STL file size will be between 3 Mb to 15 Mb in size.
- When using the iTero® scanner from Align Technologies, it is recommended to select “Vivera®”or “Invisalign®” scan types. If those options are not enabled on the scanner, select “iRecord®”. (note – “iCast®” scans are not accepted).
- When using 3Shape Trios®, select the “_orig_trios_export.stl” high resolution option (the other scan type only features low resolution).
- For other intra-oral scanners, please consult your local OrthoAlight team.
A high-quality scan should include:
- The entire arch including the terminal molars;
- All incisal edges and marginal ridges;
- Complete occlusal surfaces (no holes);
- Interproximal embrasures, IPR and natural interproximal spaces;
- Clear gingival margin with 3-5 mm of lingual and buccal gingivae;
- Left and right bite scans covering at least 3-5 teeth to ensure proper occlusion.
- No defects, holes, artifacts, bumps or tunnels
Examples of high-quality scans:

Examples of low-quality scans:
Scanning was done too quickly and the iTero® software could not assemble the surfaces correctly:

An incomplete scan of the lingual area results in missing surfaces:

Incomplete lingual scans cause the iTero® software to create incorrect surfaces: